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JWT is our youth program for kids.

They meet from 6:30 – 8:00 pm on Wednesday nights after supper and fellowship.

 JWT kids study God’s Word and are encouraged to actively participate in the discussions that follow.  The primary focus of the program is the importance of studying God’s Word and humbly applying it to their lives.  JWT kids learn that worship is a way of life and not merely going to church and hanging out with their friends.  They learn how things like pride, ego and vanity have no place in the life of believers.  They learn the value of having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and walking daily with Him.

 JWT kids who feel led to explore their musical gifts in service for the Lord are given that opportunity on Wednesday nights following the study of God’s Word. They receive lessons in voice, harmony structure, piano, drums, guitar, bass guitar, worship leading, sound mixing and song writing.  They learn that a performance mentality has no place in God’s house, and their talents are gifts from God to be used only to glorify Him.

 JWT kids who desire to write songs for the Lord are encouraged to pray and ask God to give them the words that He wants them to write. We pray over their collection of writings and guide them in creating heartfelt songs of prayer for the Lord.

 JWT kids who desire to participate in Christian drama are given that opportunity at various times throughout the year including Christian holidays.  Emphasis and instruction focus on writing and performing skits that teach biblical principles.

 JWT is a mentoringprogram.  We teach every child to teach.  All JWT kids know that they will have the honor of mentoring new kids coming into the program.  Teaching them to share what they have learned is a valuable tool that they can use throughout their lives.

 Our kids are the church of tomorrow.  If we don’t invest in them, who will carry God’s message to future generations?  Our heart’s desire is to train them up to be spiritual giants who are studied in the Word so that they will someday be leaders for the Lord!

 In Christ,

Pastor Rob and Linda