Welcome from Pastor Rob

 Thank you so much for visiting our website.  We hope you find it to be a trusted resource for spiritual growth, up-to-date information on services, ministries and special events and also for ways to get plugged in to the incredible body of believers that God has brought to Servant’s Heart Worship Center

As a young Christian I spent many years looking for the “perfect” church.  I had my own ideas of what that would look like.I compared every church I visited to the fantasy model in my mind until I became exhausted from all the church hopping.  The Lord eventually revealed to me that there is no such thing as a perfect church, only imperfect people serving a perfect God.  At Servant’s Heart Worship Center you will find wonderful people who are passionate about leading souls to Christ, helping each other grow stronger in the Lord, mentoring younger believers, and reaching out beyond our walls in ministry.  We believe that God wants families to worship, serve and grow spiritually together.  On Sunday mornings we encourage an atmosphere that connects the generations by honoring our Lord with newer contemporary worship songs and the timeless psalms and hymns of yesterday. 

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If you are looking for a Spirit filled church that feels like a family please come and visit us soon!


In Christ,

Pastor Rob